Friday, March 30, 2007

Evaluating Software

Now that I have talked about the importance of software for the past couple of weeks. I have decided it is time to move on to software and the use of software in the classroom. The web page that I checked out this week was for evaluating educational software. This is a good site to check out for both teachers and administration. It is pretty much just a check this of ideas that teaches need to keep in mind when finding software to use in the classroom. It was good to look at and study, but for me some of it was had to understand. The concept although was great and I do believe that software needs to be evaluated before teachers use it in class and I also believe that teachers need to make sure that they are using software productively in class.
Here is the link to the site:


kevin404 said...

Hi Rick-
The design of the site is pretty bad but there's some good content here too, especially considering this is well related to the assignment we'll be working on this week. I'm going to try to link my download at Cnet to PowerPoint...

Ken said...

Hi Rick,

You said it about the quality of the site. We have discussed that the software must be user-friendly but that idea should also be applied to the sites designed to assist us.

It is important to think about the technology need so you can make proper decisions but this would confuse more than assist.

