Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Improving Student's Learning

This is kind of a step back from where I was heading, but I found this study by a teacher that looks at the significances of using computers in the classroom. I know that we have talked to death about the importance of computers and technology in schools and all feel the same way, but as I skimmed thought the article the teacher talks about other studies that she looked at and what she thought about them. This paper gives us more evidence that technology is slowly making itself into schools and one teachers study on the effects of technology and software throughout her scholar and her research. It was an interesting read, even though I was not looking for it. I get back to discussing software in schools next blog. If interested here is the link: http://personalwebs.oakland.edu/~sjshea/project2printversion.html


kevin404 said...

Love the green background...this one might have made our design list from last week! I wonder if, since it is so difficult to integrate technology at the class level (who should teach spreadsheets? Math? Science?) if there should be technology added to the core curriculum. A lot of times it is the learning curve I run in to when implementing technology.

Ken said...


My eyes, my poor eyes after reading that "colorful" website :-) I do agree when she said that we must prepare our students for the future. And as we have discussed time and time again - technology is not going away. It is here to stay.

However, I do have one problem with her study. Why two groups with 5 students in each. To make this a more meaningful report, a larger sample size over the 2-5 grade levels would have given more credibility to her conclusions.
